Set Application Title 

Sets the application title to the given string.

mov  ah, 16h           ; Windows multiplex function

mov  al, 8Eh           ; VM Title

mov  di, seg AppTitle  ; see below

mov  es, di

mov  di, offset AppTitle

mov  dx, 0             ; Set Application Title

int  2Fh

cmp   ax, 1

je   success




Address of a null-terminated string specifying the application title. The title must not exceed 80 characters, including the terminating null character. If this parameter is zero or points to an empty string, the function removes the current application title.


Return Value

Returns 1 in the AX register if successful or zero otherwise.


Although not common, Set Application Title may return 1 in the AX register even though the title was not changed. In general, applications must not rely on the operating system to keep an accurate copy of the current title.